
BREAKING: Biden Executive Order "14067" Will Destroy The US Dollar - Protect Your Money NOW
Written by Clayton Keirns
Joe Biden just signed an under-the-radar Executive Order 14067 that could wreck havoc on the U.S. dollar and ruin the financial lives of millions of American families.

In the executive order, the Biden administration openly says they are going to begin exploring "CBDC's", or "Central Bank Digital Currencies".

Glenn Beck responded to the sneaky Executive Order, saying "They need us in a digital cage and the best way to do it is a total meltdown of the financial system of the west. Because thats when you change everything,"
To make matters worse, an alliance of foreign countries called BRICS are looking to completely move away from the U.S. Dollar.

In short, thanks to Joe Biden, THE US DOLLAR COULD SOON BE TOAST, and Americans will be the ones left desperate and without hope.


All savings, investments and retirement accounts are at risk. It might feel nice to have "money in the bank", but if that money becomes worthless in a matter of months, it won't matter how much you have.

(Your money could soon be WORTHLESS - download this free guide NOW to protect yourself)

And no, hoping that you'll be bailed out by the FDIC is not a good strategy. Yes, your bank might "guarantee" up to $250,000, but this doesn't mean that they would give you this money right away if a collapse happened. It could take MONTHS - or worse - never.

If the dollar crashes, 95% of Americans are going to be left desperate. DO NOT GO ANOTHER SECOND WITHOUT BEING PREPARED!


The only way to make sure the government can't get their filthy hands on your money is to diversify your money into one of the most secure assets in history - GOLD.

Gold has been on a historic bull run and you need to act *now* if you don't want to be left out.

However, you have to get started with a sound strategy. Because if you don't, it could mean disaster

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