
"Just Like 1987"; Famed Economist Says Stock Market Is Flashing Terrifying Warning Signs

"Never in my career have I witnessed such uncertainty about where we are in the economic cycle"

Written by Clayton Keirns
Top Economic Strategist Albert Edwards is sounding the alarm, warning that we are on the brink of a 1987-style stock market crash. Edwards says that the events that led to Black Monday is unfolding right before our eyes.

"The equity market's current resilience in the face of rising bond yields reminds me very much of events in 1987, when equity investors' bullishness was eventually squashed," Edwards said in a note on Tuesday. "Just like in 1987, any hint of recession now would surely be a devastating blow to equities."

In other words, once the "recession" domino falls, everything else is going to follow.

"Never in my career have I witnessed such uncertainty about where we are in the economic cycle. Is that long promised recession still lurking around the corner or are we at the start of a new economic cycle," Edwards wrote.

Elsewhere, the trouble is already brewing. Not only is the labor market is weakening, but US consumers have depleted their excess savings from the pandemic. 

Raymond James noted that this could mean the economy is approaching an inflection point as soon as this quarter. The New York Fed has already priced in a 61% possibility that the US will tip into recession by August 2024. 

How Can The Common American Stay Safe From The Crash?

Now that there is a growing fear in the market, you need to ask yourself "If the market were to crash right now, could my portfolio survive?"

If the answer is no, you need to seriously consider protecting your assets now before it's too late.

The storm is brewing, and when it hits, it will be too late to take cover. The signs are all there—rising bond yields, overvalued stocks, and a looming recession. Don’t be caught off guard like investors were in 1987. Take action now to safeguard your financial future.


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